torsdag 23. september 2010

The Kite Runner - the start

I've just started reading the famous book "The Kite Runner". For me it's well-known as an extraordinary book, and I've been wanting to read it after i read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" a couple of years ago.
In the start we meet a man who gets a phonecall from a friend of his past. He doesn't seem very happy about this call, and he starts to think back at his childhood after hanging up.
He starts to tell his story from the start.. He tells about his house, which for many was the most beautiful house in Kabul, and the life he lived there with his father. He and his father were Sunni muslims. They had a man working for them, Ali, and he had a son, Hassan, who is Amir(the main character's name) friend. Hassan and his father are Shia muslims.
One thing out of many they have in common is that neither of them have a mother around. Amir's mother died after giving birth to him, and Hassan's mother ran off with travelling singers and dancers less than a week after his birth. This bother Hassan a lot, especially since his mother was well-known for beeing kind of easy(...)
Hassan and his father Ali live in a little shack just outside of Amir's big house.
This is pretty much as far as I've read so far, looking forward to read more in this book!

1 kommentar:

  1. You read a thousand splendid suns also! I like that book too although I though it was vary sad! I'm sure you will like this book. Nice start on writing about it. Good luck with your reading!
