torsdag 26. august 2010

Me and my expectations

Hi! My name is Rikke Malmstrøm Hole and I’m 17 years old. This year will be my second year going to Sandvika high school, and one of my subjects is International English. I live at Høvik, nearby the sea, and I’ve lived here my whole life. The previous schools i’ve gone to is Høvik verk and Ramstad, and after this Sandvika was my first choice. In my spare time I’m mostly with friends, boyfriend and I also like to workout at a gym called Elixia. In my weekends I work at Sandvika Storsenter, which is the biggest shoppingmall in Scandinavia, and i go out with friends. I love to travel, and I've been to for example France, Spain, Italy, Florida, Poland, Netherlands etc. A place i would really like to go is some place in Africa, maybe Tanzania or something. The one thing i would loove to do is to skydive, thats one of my greatest goals for my life.

My expectations for this year and especially is to be better in English, and learn about how it’s used in different countries and how others use English in their daily lives. I hope Ann, my teacher, will try as much as she can to make the subject interesting, but I think this is also much my fellow students an my responsibility as well.

Last Friday, one of the short films we saw was called “Butterfly Circus”, and it was about a very handicapped man without legs and arms. The topic in this film I think is to never lose hope if you perhaps have a handicap like his, or if there’s something else which can hold you down. You just have to make the best out of what you’ve got, and never believe you can’t do something because in many cases you can! Like for example this man could swim, and that’s pretty incredible I think.

- Rikke
Here you can see two photos, one of Sandvika High school, and the other one of Sarbuvollen, the beach nearby where i live.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Nice heading to your blog! You write very well and I agree with your expectations for this year of english.

  2. Wow, nice header Rikke! you are awesome

  3. Your blog looks really cool, like Marie, I also love the heading with the carnival theme. Skydiving is one of my future goals as well!! I'm looking forward to following your blog, Rikke.:)

  4. Wow, nice blog Rikke! The header is impressive! Looking forward to follow your blog in the future!

  5. Hi! My name is Dara. I go to Alburnett High School. I am also 17. Your blog is really good, we seem to have a lot in common! My blog is at

  6. Thank you for sharing your expectations and also for taking some of the responsibility in making this an interesting year to learn! I look forward to it and hope you do too.
